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Information for conference attendees.

We are glad you decided to attend the AIN conference in Prague. You can find all the important information on this page.


The AIN Conference 2024 starts on the 18th of July. You can join the pre-conference learning journeys. Those start on the 17th of July. For the sign-up forms visit the registration page.


Participant Check-In

There will be two registration sessions. First, on Thursday at the Kaiserstein Palace where the opening evening takes place. Second, on Friday at the Academy of Performing Arts. Check the conference schedule for the times and places including maps.

Learning journey participants will be registered in advance before the journey starts. You will receive all the important information and more during your check-in.


Thursday Check-In at Kaiserstein Palace

See photos and video below.


An information point will be available during the conference. The info point will be open mainly during the long breaks.



A group of keen volunteers is ready to help you during the conference. Feel free to ask for assistance, e.g. finding the right classroom. You will recognize them by the blue lanyards. You can also see the great people in the volunteers section of the team page.​


Conference Communication

WhatsApp will be used as the main communication tool during the conference. The AIN Prague 2024 community is prepared to serve our needs. There will be several channels (groups):


  • Announcements - for programme updates and important messages (one-way communication towards participants)

  • GENERAL CHAT - channel for participants to talk to each other (not observed by the organizing team)

  • NEED TO ASK - channel for your questions to the organizing team

  • PRESENTERS - a closed group for all lecturers, speakers and performers to talk to the organizing team


The QR code to connect to the community will be available during the conference registration.


All information will be also published on this website. You can find it at the information point too.


Learn about Prague and the Czech Republic. The below gallery contains useful videos about travelling, food, money, geography and more.